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‘To be a successful student at All Hallows, your child must attend College daily and arrive at registration and all lessons on time.’


All Hallows Catholic College is committed to encouraging all students to have excellent attendance and punctuality.  We recognise that any absence from school is detrimental. It is the legal responsibility of parents and carers to ensure good attendance and punctuality and to inform the College of any reasons for any absences. We understand that there are genuine reasons for absence, but as a College, we have a duty to monitor attendance and work with families to achieve the best possible attendance for each child and young person.


All Hallows Catholic College will:

  • Investigate all unexplained absence

  • Contact parents on the first day of absence (if parents/carers have not contacted College first). This will usually be done via a text message. Such contact will be logged for future reference

  • Work closely with parents/carers (and external agencies if needed) should attendance or punctuality give cause for concern

  • Recognise and reward high attendance (and significant improvement over time)

  • Inform the Local Authority of any students failing to attend regularly (students who have patterns of unauthorised absence without amassing 10 days of continuous absence)

  • Inform the Local Authority of any student who has a continuous period of 10 or more days unauthorised absence

  • Not authorise holidays in term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. Parents/carers need to be aware that applications for ‘exceptional circumstance leave of absence’ that are declined may result in a Penalty Notice being issued for 5 or more days of absence. Applications must be made in writing well in advance of the absence.


Students will:

  • Ensure that they attend College regularly and on time

  • Not leave College without permission

  • Parents/carers will:

  • Be encouraged to contact College if they have any concerns about their child’s attendance and punctuality

  • Provide an explanation if a student is absent on the first day the absence occurs and each subsequent day. This may be by letter, telephone, email, text, personally at the College office or by appointment.

  • Provide medical evidence to support absence if requested



  • Morning registration is at 8.50am but students are expected to be in College for 8.45am.  Students are expected to be in registration/at assembly on time or they will gain a L code

  • Morning registration finishes at 9.05am and students arriving late after this time must sign in at the office

  • The register closes at 9.20am each day.  Lateness after 9.20am is unauthorised and coded as a ‘U’ (counts as absent for half day).

  • If a student is late to College (arriving after 8.50am without a reasonable explanation from their parent/carer), they will complete a ‘same day’ detention.


If a student has a medical/dental appointment during the College day, they should have an appointment card/written note from their parent/carer. Students must sign out at the student Office (found next to the RE corridor) and sign back in on their return. If the student has an early appointment, or if they are not returning to College because it is too late in the day, the parent/carer must inform the College via telephone.

Attendance Policy

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