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Abstract Background

Getting Risk Support

For children and young people who are currently unable to benefit from evidence-based treatment, but remain a significant concern and risk.

This group might include children and young people who routinely go into crisis but are not able to make use of help offered, or where help offered has not been able to make a difference; who self-harm; or who have emerging personality disorders or ongoing issues that have not yet responded to interventions.


Ancora House This service provide a specialist inpatient unit for young people who are having difficulties with their thoughts, feelings or behaviour and need a short stay in hospital. Education settings cannot refer into this service.

Forensic Child and Adolescent  This service provide specialise expert advice and consultation to agencies working with children and young people with complex presentations and display high risk behaviour. Click here for more information about who the service can work with and how to refer.


Critical Incidents Team | Chess Hub A critical incident can be defined as: “Any event or sequence of events which overwhelms the normal coping mechanisms of the school”. In Cheshire East, to best manage our support and guidance, we have a team dealing with Critical Incidents such as: the death of staff member, pupil or member of the school community, a serious accident/incident involving pupils or staff members, an event witnessed outside of the school (such as a serious assault or accident)

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