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Liturgical Prayer

Liturgical Prayer

At All Hallows College, assembling students to pray as a year group is an integral part of our daily College life and central to the experience our students and staff opportunities to prepare and lead prayer. 
Our Assemblies are specifically religious in nature and follow the liturgical form of:

Gathering to Listen to the Word of God, Reflecting on it’s meaning for us today and Responding personally and as a faith community.

The themes of the Assembly reflect the Liturgical Year, our civic/moral and theological virtues eg Charity or another aspect of Catholic Social Teaching eg Peace /Justice /Human Dignity.

During any period of ‘Remote Learning’ these are recorded and shared during remote Form time by the Form Tutor/Year Leader.

The reflection of our Assemblies is shared with our families and wider community through our weekly SHINE newsletter.  Families are encouraged to discuss these with their children.  Where assemblies are recorded, these are made available to our families though a link in our SHINE newsletter.

While the first ‘Assembly’ of each term is prepared by the College Principal, the preparation and leadership of our Liturgical Prayer is the responsibility of all members of our student and teaching community (Liturgical Prayer schedule).

Throughout the year there are opportunities for students and to attend the chapel for a variety of liturgies as well as year group liturgies for All Souls, Remembrance, Advent, Ash Wednesday, Lent, Reconciliation and end of year celebrations.  The contribution of the Liturgical Choir, Dance and Performing Arts groups again help our students and staff experience the rich variety of prayer and encourage creativity and student leadership. While Covid, might have restricted the opportunities for large group gatherings at times, we learned to adapt and develop new creative ways to pray and pray together.  This year we look forward to being able to return to our annual Year 7 Service of Welcome for our new students and their families and our annual Carol Service. These events allow our parents/carers and wider members of our community to pray with us.

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