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Prayer and Liturgical Life (Liturgical Calendar)
As a Catholic College we believe that there should be regular opportunities for members of our community to join together in prayer and reflection. By providing a rich variety of prayer and liturgical experiences we allow students and staff to explore both formal and informal ways of talking to and listening to God. Through the provision of prayer experiences, meditations, prayer stations, the Rosary, Stations of the Cross students have the opportunity to experience prayer in all its forms, in the hope that they will in turn discover a personal way to communicate with God and a confidence in leading others in prayer.
Praying as a College community helps bind us together as a family. Each morning students along with their Form Tutors, with the support of the school Chaplain, have an opportunity to pray together. As well as sharing our Morning Offering and prayers from the Catholic tradition, our prayers reflect our weekly themes or focus upon the liturgical season. They reflect on global/local events and pray for those affected. This encourages a sense of empathy and global responsibility for our neighbours.
Form Groups are encouraged to take ownership of Form Time prayer by developing a prayer space on which to add their own personal prayer intentions.
At the close of the College day students and their class teacher are invited to give thanks to God for the blessings they have received by sharing our end of day prayer. Prayers shared in the target language in MFL is just one example of Christ being at the centre of College life.
Our daily prayers are shared with our families in our weekly SHINE newsletter.
Staff Prayer
In the same way it is important that we provide time and space for our staff to pray.
Staff meetings/briefings begin with a prayer or reflection. With opportunities for whole staff and departmental to take part in, prepare and lead reflections in the chapel throughout Advent and Lent.