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What is a Governor?

The governing body of the college is made up of governors from various parts of the college community; staff, parents, church and local authority. This helps to ensure a balance of views and experience on the governing body.

A governor is appointed or elected for a term of four years and can be re-elected or re-appointed for further terms.

Staff and parent governors are elected by their fellow staff or parents but they do not ‘represent’ them and do not report back to them.

Foundation governors are appointed by the Diocese, usually on the recommendation of the Parish Priest, to preserve and develop the Catholic character of the college and to ensure that the college is conducted in accordance with its trust deed.

Local Authority governors are appointed by the Local Authority.

No qualifications or experience is needed and training is available to all governors. The most important qualities for a governor are enthusiasm, commitment and an interest in the education of the students of the college.

Governors do not act individually but make decisions together; they work closely with the head teacher to make decisions about the successful running of the college, improving standards and approving the budget. They support the head teacher but also ask questions and make sure the head teacher is taking the college in the right direction. They are often said to act as a ‘critical friend’ to the college.

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