All Hallows Catholic College
Dress Code
At All Hallows Catholic College VI Form we expect students to dress in a way that reflects our shared values and ethos. As such students in VI Form will be required to select from the following items in which to dress when attending Sixth Form.​
Standard items – applies to all students
Tailored suit jacket with tailored trousers or knee length tailored skirt. Items must be in line with professional dress (i.e. plain or subtle pattern)
Smart blouse or shirt and tie (either must be collared, no polo shirts, t-shirts, crop tops, sleeveless tops, vest tops or bodysuits)
Formal shoes (no Doc Marten boots, no trainers, no sandals, shoes should have a heel of no more than two inches)
Optional items
V neck jumper / waistcoat over shirt and tie / blouse (only to be worn with standard items above). (No crew neck jumpers / sweatshirts)
Jewellery is permitted in the Sixth Form​
No facial piercing or nose studs are allowed​
No more than two earrings in each ear are permitted and no plugs or bars allowed
The display of tattoos is not permitted and should be covered​
Baseball caps are not permitted, and hats should not be worn in College​
Mobile phones should not be visible or used outside of the Sixth Form Centre
Bags can be any choice and any colour but should be suitable for carrying files and books
Hair should reflect a conventional style in keeping with the business image, no unnatural hair colour, shaven or carved styles
Students will be provided with subject specific exercise books or online resources. These must be well presented, available in each lesson and handed in for marking or inspection when requested
Students who fail to conform to the code outlined may be denied access to lessons for the day and will be required to work in the Sixth Form Study Room. Students who repeatedly fail to adopt the dress code will be asked to remain at home until a parental meeting can be arranged with the Head or Deputy Head of Sixth Form.
Should there be any dispute the final decision on acceptable dress code will lie with the Head of Sixth Form.​